Stability is central to mobility. This Fit Tip exercise from Dr. Riley is more than a simple drill to help you keep moving: This exercise is called “Hip Abduction with No Resistance.” This is a great exercise to start waking up your Gluteus Medius which is a big time hip stabilizer.
Dr. Riley:
This drill is called Hip Abduction with no resistance. We’re going to get down into a quad position, maintain a really neutral low back, and all Bree is going to do is bring this leg out and then straight back in. This is a great drill to start to wake up your glute medius, which is a big-time hip stabilizer, it’s a lateral hip stabilizer. So we’re staying really still. Everything is coming out and then back in. She should start to feel a little bit of a burn here in her hip. We can do 15 to 20 reps of this, a couple sets. This is called Quad Position Hip Abduction, a great drill to start to wake up your hips.