Tulsa Spine & Rehab are pleased to be able to offer our patients a unique mobilizing tool referred to as the Alter G Antigravity Treadmill. This is no ordinary treadmill and in fact, other than the obvious treadmill feature along the side, it bears little resemblance to traditional treadmills.
Created with space technology for NASA astronauts, it allows a patient to reduce pressure on the back and joints without producing pain while being used. Patients are comfortable and feel safe while using it and this means that those who believe in the old adage “seeing is believing” need to change that to “feeling is believing.” This treadmill really gives someone an antigravity feeling and patients tell us they love it.
How Easy it is to Find a Facility that Offers the Alter G Antigravity Treadmill?
Originally only available to those involved in sports or upper echelon sporting establishments, the Alter G Antigravity Treadmill is now becoming more available to smaller establishments and this is why we are so excited to see this treadmill here in our clinic. It can actually speed up the recovery process for patients and this is a huge priority for us – helping our patients heal as quickly as possible. Although these are more widely available than previously, there are still only a few in the state of Oklahoma, one of which is the unit in our clinic.
The minute a patient begins using it, they can tell immediately that the treadmill can help them. For those patients who are experiencing frequent falls from dizziness or weakness, this treadmill provides them with a safe environment, free from worries of even more falls, and they can heal and rebuild strength and stamina. We also use it in assisting high level triathletes who have experienced complaints during a training program for something such as Iron Man. The treadmill provides a way for them to maintain cardiovascular fitness and the ability to run pain-free.
Currently, it is in use 7 to 8 hours daily and as people learn of its availability, we know that time may increase. The technology behind it is pretty special and we hope to see more and more of our patients benefit from its use.
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