A Tulsa Physical Therapist Near You
Our staff of licensed physical therapists work together with your referring physician to create a customized treatment program designed to overcome your unique challenges and restore pain-free function to your body. Effective Berryhill physical therapy is always designed to address your specific rehabilitation needs.
So the first step for Tulsa Spine and Rehab’s physical therapists is to properly and fully identify your source of limitation or pain, while taking the time to educate you on the diagnosis, prognosis, and plan. Once both the therapists and you understand the problem, then we develop a customized treatment program where we can work together to restore as much of your function as possible.
Advanced Treatments for Optimal Results
In addition to traditional Physical Therapies, Tulsa Spine and Rehab is also able to offer multiple advanced treatments including clinical massage, myofascial release, Selective Functional Movement Assessments, Cold Laser Therapy, chiropractic therapy, and specific mobilization and stabilization exercises.
Graduating to Self-Care
All of our treatments — to include our Physical Therapy programs — are aimed at restoring the patient to pain-free function and then graduating them to independent self-care, so that they walk out the door pain-free and with all the tools they’ll need to keep themselves healthy.
Is Berryhill Physical Therapy right for you?
Yes—if you suffer from pain or function limitations. Maybe your lower back hurts. Or the bottom of your feet always seems to bother you. Almost all injuries, no matter the cause – household, recreational, overuse – can be addressed through a physical therapy program. You have the freedom to choose your own physical therapist. At Tulsa Spine and Rehab, we have a team of experts with multiple specialties here to help you get back to a healthy, active lifestyle.
Specific cases where physical therapists can be useful:
- Post-operative patients needing to regain muscle strength and coordination
- Athletes recovering from injuries (and those trying to prevent injury)
- People experiencing dizziness due to vertigo or inner ear dysfunction
- Post-stroke or elderly patients having balance problems and falls
- Accident victims of car crashes, job-related mishaps, etc.
- Employees returning to work after an injury
- People with arthritis seeking pain relief and increased joint motion
- Cancer patients needing to increase strength and function
- Pregnant women with back pain and other muscular or joint problems due to pregnancy
Why Chiropractic Therapy Compliments Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy helps work with muscles, soft tissue, and motor function. Chiropractic therapy helps ensure proper function at the structural level, full range of motion, and optimal nerve function. We don’t always combine the two — it depends on your unique needs and customized wellness plan — but the two therapies do compliment each other very well and lead to faster and better outcomes for a majority of our patients.