Here at Tulsa Spine & Rehab, complaints concerning generalized neck pain are one of the most common problems we hear. These complaints are not the type that stem from an accident or serious trauma, but instead, they stem from something you may have done that is related to posture issues or daily activities. For example, you may wake up in the morning with neck pain from an activity overload, and sometimes it might be from an extended period of driving with no stops to allow for movement. Repetitive daily activities or a lack of exercise are also typically associated with generalized neck pain.
Our first step is to determine if a patient’s neck pain is mechanical in nature or of a more serious type where an accident might be involved. Those patients who suffer from pain due to mechanical difficulties are the ones who will benefit from conservative measures through the use of chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, exercise and even acupuncture.
The next step is to develop a plan involving what they actually need from our clinic and what they can accomplish on their own. Clinical treatment might involve soft tissue work, manipulation or physical therapy. Home treatment might involve an exercise program in order to stimulate and strengthen spinal stabilizers which will reduce the load on the neck. Home therapies might also include the use of ice, particularly if there is acute inflammation.
What is most important in the treatment of generalized neck pain is that the patient should continue to maintain mobility through exercise, and this exercise isn’t necessarily the same that you would receive in a normal gym setting; instead you should receive instruction from someone trained in proper exercise techniques to strengthen specific areas.
When to Consult Your Physician
If you are currently suffering neck pain that persists for more than three or four days, you definitely need to consult with a licensed and qualified practitioner. They can give you recommendations that will help with healing a little bit quicker and at the same time, prevent possible reoccurrence in the future.